Davide Muzzarelli

GTD in a text file, the Muzzarelli’s version – part 3

pubblicato it 23.01.2008 in # in english, * livello base, GTD, organizzazione

The first and the second parts are available here and here. For dates I’m sticking with Paul Allen‘s recommendation: appointments and milestones goes in your agenda, the things to do that starting at a certain date goes in your tickler file or in your electronic agenda. For the items, in order to remember certain dates, [...]

GTD in a text file, the Muzzarelli’s version – part 2

pubblicato it 14.12.2007 in # in english, * livello base, GTD, organizzazione

Wellcome to the second part of this guide to my GTD system. The first part is available here. In the first part you saw how to write todo items and check them. In this part I talk about projects. A short description: for GTD, a project is a work to do which require more than [...]

GTD in a text file, the Muzzarelli’s version – part 1

pubblicato it 07.12.2007 in # in english, * livello base, GTD, organizzazione

I’m starting to use GTD (Getting Things Done) since September 2006 reading 43 Folders. Before that I read a lot of organization books, tips and articles on internet. When I discovered GTD of David Allen I changed my mind and now I see the results, the best results. I’m a fan of simplicity and I [...]

La tecnica del pomodoro

pubblicato it 13.03.2007 in * livello base, organizzazione

Per passione, ormai da diversi anni, sono alla continua ricerca di metodi organizzativi innovativi per gestire la vita e il lavoro. Qualche mese fa, leggendo il blog di Enri, mi sono imbattuto in un post dedicato alla “tecnica del pomodoro”: un sistema per sfruttare al meglio il tempo lavorativo che Francesco Cirillo continua, da ben [...]